Historic Preservation Commission

The historical, cultural, and aesthetic heritage of the City of Dahlonega is among its most valued and important assets and the preservation of this heritage is essential to the promotion of the health, prosperity and general welfare of the people. The Historic District includes all properties located with the B3 and CBD zoning districts within the city limits.

Upcoming Meetings

View Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Documents

About The Commission

The Dahlonega Historic Preservation Commission consists of seven members appointed by the Mayor and ratified by the City Council. All members are required to be residents of the City of Dahlonega and shall be persons who have demonstrated special interests, experience or education in history, architecture or the preservation of historic resources. In addition, the Commission may appoint two ex-officio members who own property in the City limits, but who are not residents of the City of Dahlonega.

The commission meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 pm in City Hall. The public is invited to attend. Special meetings will also be called as needed.

The Historic Preservation Commission is authorized to:

  • Prepare and maintain an inventory of all property within the City of Dahlonega having the potential for designation of historic property
  • Recommend to the Dahlonega City Council specific districts, sites, buildings, structures, or objects to be designated by ordinance as historic properties or historic districts
  • Review applications for Certificates of Appropriateness and grant, or deny, same in accordance with the provisions of the Historic Preservation Ordinance
  • Recommend to the Dahlonega City Council that the designation of any district, site, building, structure or object as a historic property or as a historic district be revoked or removed
  • Restore or preserve any historic properties acquired by the City of Dahlonega
  • Promote the acquisition by the City of Dahlonega of facade easements and conservation easements, as appropriate, in accordance with the provisions of the Georgia Uniform Conservation Easement Act of 1992
  • Conduct educational programs on historic properties located within the City of Dahlonega and on general historic preservation activities
  • Make such investigations and studies of matters relating to historic preservation, including consultation with historic preservation experts, the Dahlonega City Council or the Commission itself may, from time to time, deem necessary or appropriate for the purposes of preserving historic resources
  • Seek out local, state, federal or private funds for historic preservation and make recommendations to the Dahlonega City Council concerning the most appropriate use of any funds acquired.
  • Submit to the Historic Preservation Division of the Department of Natural Resources a list of historic properties or historic districts designated
  • Perform historic preservation activities as the official agency of the Dahlonega Historic Preservation program
  • Employ persons, if necessary, to carry out the responsibilities of the Commission with the approval of the Dahlonega City Council
  • Receive donations, grants, funds or gifts of historic property and acquire & sell historic properties. The Preservation Commission shall not obligate the City of Dahlonega without prior consent
  • Review and make comments to the Historic Preservation Division of the Department of Natural Resources concerning the nomination of properties within its jurisdiction to the National Register of Historic Places
  • Participate in private, state and federal historic preservation programs, and with the consent of the Dahlonega City Council, enter into agreements to do the same

Current Historic Preservation Commission Members 2024:

James Bergen, Chair
Ivana Pelnar-Zaiko
Janet Barger
Penny Sharp


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    [id] => 10018
    [title] => Official Zoning Map 2020 signed
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    [link] => https://dahlonega.gov/document/city-of-dahlonega-zoning-map/official-zoning-map-2020-signed/
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Official Zoning Map 2020 signed
    [ID] => 16166
    [id] => 16166
    [title] => Committe-Board-Member-Application-Fillable-1-1
    [filename] => Committe-Board-Member-Application-Fillable-1-1-2.pdf
    [filesize] => 169530
    [url] => https://dahlonega.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Committe-Board-Member-Application-Fillable-1-1-2.pdf
    [link] => https://dahlonega.gov/document/application-for-appointment-to-board-commission-or-committee-2/committe-board-member-application-fillable-1-1-2/
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    [ID] => 2982
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    [title] => 2001 - GMRC Historic Resources Survey (part 1)
    [filename] => 2001-GMRC-Historic-Resources-Survey-part-1.pdf
    [filesize] => 5041766
    [url] => https://dahlonega.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/2001-GMRC-Historic-Resources-Survey-part-1.pdf
    [link] => https://dahlonega.gov/document/gmrc-historic-resources-survey-2001/2001-gmrc-historic-resources-survey-part-1/
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2001 - GMRC Historic Resources Survey (part 1)
    [ID] => 2821
    [id] => 2821
    [title] => Lumpkin County Survey - 1976
    [filename] => Lumpkin-County-Survey-1976.pdf
    [filesize] => 4082118
    [url] => https://dahlonega.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Lumpkin-County-Survey-1976.pdf
    [link] => https://dahlonega.gov/document/lumpkin-county-historic-structures-field-survey-february-1976/lumpkin-county-survey-1976/
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Lumpkin County Survey - 1976
    [ID] => 2813
    [id] => 2813
    [title] => National Register Nomination Form, Maps, & Photos - 1982
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    [url] => https://dahlonega.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/National-Register-Nomination-Form-Maps-Photos-1982.pdf
    [link] => https://dahlonega.gov/document/national-register-of-historic-places-nomination-form-dahlonega-commercial-historic-district/national-register-nomination-form-maps-photos-1982/
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National Register Nomination Form, Maps, & Photos - 1982
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    [id] => 2712
    [title] => HPC Design Guidelines 2014
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    [link] => https://dahlonega.gov/document/historic-district-design-guidelines/hpc-design-guidelines-2014/
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HPC Design Guidelines 2014
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