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What is a revitalization plan and why does Dahlonega need one?

March 20, 2025

Three years ago, the City of Dahlonega created a strategic plan with three strategic priorities: Effectively Manage Growth, Infrastructure, and Communication. Since the inception of the plan, the City has completed a Housing Needs Assessment, begun updates to the Zoning Ordinance, commissioned an update to the existing parking study, invested in infrastructure projects and master planning, and enhanced communication efforts to engage and inform the public. As a next step to support this body of work, the City retained a consultant to guide us through the creation of a Community Revitalization Plan.

A Community Revitalization Plan (CRP) is a tool used by cities to provide a framework for targeted investments and community-driven initiatives. CRPs are not meant to be used to replace existing neighborhoods or businesses but rather identify ways to tackle the root causes of areas that are in decline and provide resources to see those areas preserved and enhanced. CRPs recognize the value of preserving a community’s heritage while ensuring that any new investments support the long-term goals of the community. CRPs also identify areas citizens would like to see improvements and investments by their local governments such as sidewalks and parks.

Dahlonega, like so many cities across the nation, is dealing with not only a lack of attainable housing, but in some cases safe, decent, and sanitary housing. Recent efforts by the Community Helping Place and Family Connections to bring awareness to the housing environment in our community, reinforced the city’s commitment to finding ways to improve the living conditions and housing opportunities in our community. Having an adopted CRP opens doors for local governments to access housing coops such as the Georgia Initiative for Community Housing and grants to help homeowners stay in their home by providing energy upgrades and façade improvements. An adopted CRP can also be used to aid in the creation of attainable housing by tapping resources to keep the cost of development down.

CRPs also allow citizens the opportunity to voice their concerns over the lack of amenities in their city, safety concerns, and overall satisfaction with the community. The feedback from our community engagement meeting centered around creating more sustainable job opportunities, increasing walkability and pedestrian safety, and addressing the shortage of the type and price points of housing units in the community.

Dahlonega’s Community Revitalization Plan does not seek to do away with all the wonderful things we have in our community but rather seeks to enhance the livability in our city. Having an identified area with boundaries sets a clear direction for not only staff, but for those who seek to invest in our community.