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What is the procedure for obtaining a Building Permit?

August 14, 2024

Please contact the building inspector 706-482-2711 as soon as possible to discuss your project and any plans that might be required. City Hall is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Permits are required before any grading, construction, installation of mobile homes, alterations or additions to buildings or demolition is started. Development plans are required for all construction/development, except single-family residences.

State Licensed General Contractor is required for all commercial permits.

Below is some of the information needed to permit your project:

  • Property with a driveway accessed from a state road must be permitted from the GA Department of Transportation. This permit must be issued before a building permit can be obtained from the City. Residential and commercial/other permit requests should be referred to the District Access Management supervisor at 770-532-5563.
  • Check with the Public Works Department for the availability of water and sewer services. If sewer service is not available we require a copy of the septic permit before a building permit can be issued (septic permits are issued by the Lumpkin County Health Department).
  • Water and sewer tap fees must be paid before or at the time the building permit is issued. Two separate checks, one for the building permit and one for the water/sewer taps will be required.
  • Building plans are required for commercial or multi-family buildings. Plan review can take up to three weeks.
  • For a single-family residence, bring a survey of the property with the footprint of the house and the setbacks shown.
  • For commercial projects, a permit will not be issued until development plans have been reviewed and approved. Building plans must also be submitted and reviewed. Approval by state fire marshal may also be required, depending on the use and size of the structure.
  • All electrical, plumbing, low voltage, and mechanical work must be performed by licensed personnel. The general contractor must be licensed and registered. Plumbing, electrical, low voltage and mechanical contractors must submit a copy of state license, business license, a list of employees and an affidavit for each job. Affidavits must be in the office before a rough in the inspection is given – Sub-Contractor Affidavit Form.
  • Erosion and Sedimentation Controls – The City of Dahlonega considers erosion and sedimentation controls a very important part of any construction project. Silt fence must be installed in all areas deemed necessary by the inspector. A proper construction pad must be in place at all entrances to the site. Failure to maintain all E&S controls will delay inspections and could also result in fines.
  • Porta-john’s must be on site before inspections start. Subcontractor affidavits must be in the office before the rough in the inspection is scheduled. To schedule an inspection, call City Hall 706-864-6133, one day before the inspection is needed.
  • Street addresses are assigned by the Lumpkin County Planning Office. Once your driveway is installed give them a copy of your building permit and they will assign an address.