South Grove Street from Martin Street to Riley Road will be closed for the next couple of days due to maintenance. Thank you for your patience during this time.


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What is procedure for Obtaining Business/Occupation Tax Certificate?

August 14, 2024

Print the attached application or contact the City of Dahlonega to obtain the license application for your particular business situation.

Follow this link Business Occupational Tax Application for business license procedures and forms.

Please complete all pages of the application, return with the fee and any required attachments. Please note the City may require documentation from Environmental health as part of the permit application and business/occupation tax certificate application.

Sign Info

The review process could take several days, so get your application in as soon as possible. Payment will not be required at the time of submission of the application. Someone will contact you with the amount due.

Water Service

To avoid interruption/termination of service be sure to apply for water service at the Customer Service desk at City Hall.

Click the proper link for the type of service you need:

Residential Service Application Writeable

Commercial Water Service Application Writeable

Alcoholic Beverage Sales

If your business will be selling alcohol, you will need to complete the application for an Alcohol Beverage License and an Affidavit:

Alcoholic Beverage License Application

The affidavit for sales by the drink or consumption on premises:

Alcoholic Beverage Server Permit Application